Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Miracles do still happen!

I always knew I wanted more than one child.  Even after the difficult time I had with Finn's colic I always knew I wanted to do it all over again, just not until I was ready.  As many of you know, it took almost a year for us to get pregnant with Finn.  This same thing happened to my own Mom with my older brother but then she got pregnant with me easily so I just made the assumption that would happen to me.  I was very wrong.
To make a long story short, we tried for 19 months.  And as many women do, not only were we "trying" but I was slightly obsessing.  Counting, testing, worrying, praying,  going to the doctor, taking medicine that should help, crying, laughing about it, and trying really hard not to drive my poor husband crazy.  We were told our chances of getting pregnant naturally were virtually impossible.  After the first year, I began to let go.  I began to relax but also wrestle with some hard questions that I had for God.  Looking back at this experience I realized how much I grew.  I grew in faith, I grew in maturity, I grew in understanding for patience, I grew in appreciation for my awesome husband and I grew to realize my son was a walking miracle.  After some testing results I finally resigned to the fact that we weren't having any more kids.  I feel like I slightly mourned the loss of some non-existent child that belonged to me and I came to terms with my future.  Don't get me wrong, I have an incredible life!!  Let me repeat- I have a life that I wouldn't have ever even dreamed of and I feel so blessed to be me so I had to take a step back and be thankful. 
In September, as a last ditch effort we finally decided to try an IUI.  I went into my doctor on the appropriate day to take a look at my follicle (egg).  Turns out it was too small for the procedure so we did nothing.  Of course he said I could try again next month.  I did feel disappointed even though I hadn't really expected much from the visit.  That next week Cade and I went on a small vacation to Mexico for my birthday and had a great time together.  My back ached a little while we were there and my head had been hurting.  I thought that was weird and mentioned it to Cade.   When we got home, I had some other weird symptoms that made me think I should go buy a pregnancy test (keep in mind I had sworn off taking any more of these since I took enough the first year to supply a small country). 
I was pregnant!  (Enter on my knees prayer, tears, and freaking out here.)
Mostly I have to tell that story so I can have it for my own memories but I also tell it to get to the most important part of my story: God still works miracles!
He took me as an underdog and made a beautiful story that is all about him.  Medically speaking we weren't supposed to get pregnant and on top of all that, the "egg" that will be my next child was too small for any kind of a procedure.  I feel like nothing can explain this but the power of my God who is faithful and heard my prayers. 
Right before Christmas we found out that most likely this child in my womb is girl!  I've always wanted a girl too and I feel like the blessings that keep flowing out are just icing on the cake. 
I can't say that I ever want to relive that period of waiting in my life, but I'm glad it happened.  I do believe that God had a plan for me that was different than my own plans and I have to have faith that his plan is so much greater than anything I could dream up for myself.  I also realize that there will be things in this life that I will earnestly pray for that won't happen, and I pray I always have the faith to look to him for peace.  I'm thankful that I will have a deeper appreciation for God and for the two lives that he has entrusted to me to raise in this world.
So Baby Thompson number 2 will be making her debut the first week in June.  (and watch out world, the ruffles, tutus, and bows will be out in full force.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's why Ava's middle name is "Faith."
Katie Stoneman